Bad news for Reid = Good news for Schumer

Harry Reid’s popularity continues to decline.  According to the Las Vegas Journal-Review:

“Nevadans say they’re ready to replace longtime Democratic incumbent Sen. Harry Reid with an untested Republican … of their top two picks — former GOP party official Sue Lowden and real estate developer Danny Tarkanian — either one would unseat Reid if the election were held today, according to a poll commissioned by the Review-Journal … In one general election scenario, 49 percent of respondents picked Lowden and 39 percent chose Reid. In another, 48 percent picked Tarkanian to 43 percent for Reid …”

If Reid gets the boot next year, we could get a Majority Leader Schumer as his replacement.

2 thoughts on “Bad news for Reid = Good news for Schumer

  1. Good. Bring him on. Then the rest of the country can have the opportunity to get better acquainted with Schumer’s annoyingly nasal, Crooklyn accent and whining drone. I’m sure they’ll love listening to it, as much as they’ll love his authoritarian leftist politics. We could use a real Stalinist as Senate majority leader, right?

  2. One of the reasons New Yorkers are disliked is the elected officials that we send to Washington. The actions of members of Congress and certain other federal office holders affect all Americans, not just us.

    We have lots to be proud of in every area of our lives, much more than most.
    How is it then that we fail so miserably when it comes to elected officials?

    Charles nailed it with “Authoritarian Leftist.” Nobody could have said it better.

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