Issues don’t mix

Everytown has put out this add trying to mix gun control with abortion:

How exactly is abortion related to gun control? It isn’t. In fact it can be argued that both issues are polar opposites of each other. Then why do this?

I have long held the belief that much of what constitutes “the Left” is made up of professional agitators organized and directed by politicians and wealthy donors. This is certainly true for gun control and to a large extent the pro-abortion crowd. However, the organizers would usually keep the issues’ supporters separated. After all, why would tough, blue collar union workers concerned about their wages and benefits get involved with effeminate homosexuals or militant greenies? They wouldn’t. That is why I believe this ad is a mistake. I think they are very, very worried about a second Trump administration and are getting desperate.

One thought on “Issues don’t mix

  1. “The only weapon that I need to continue to fight, said the Chinese General known as “The Dragon”, “Is my skin!”
    “Very well” said Chinese Commander, Kathy Hochul, smilingly, and then glowingly, “Then I shall destroy your skin shortly before she was incinerated!”
    “Egads, Sir! Said the dragon, that wasn’t my skin, Sir! That was my condom!!”
    “Egads! Screamed Chinese Commander, Kathy Houchul! That was my dick!”

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