NYPD doesn’t believe that

Queens D.A. Melinda Katz held a “gun buyback” last week:

“… “Every gun turned in this Saturday is a potential tragedy averted,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said in a statement. “This is the public’s opportunity to help us put a stop to bloodshed by turning in firearms.” …”

NYPD doesn’t believe that:

“… The NYPD held only two buybacks this year — a reflection of the belief among police brass and city pols that the events are ineffective when it comes to preventing gun violence. … at an October event on gun policy NYPD Deputy Commissioner Susan Hermann said the events attract out-of-towners looking to make easy money. “It has minimal impact,” she said, according to The New York Observer. “Typically when we do gun buybacks, actually they’re often people from other states coming to give us — Pennsylvania, New Jersey people — coming into New York to sell their guns. That’s a good thing — it’s good for America to get more guns off the street. It doesn’t particularly reap a lot of benefits here in New York.” …”