Endorsing an idiot

Eric Schneiderman was on the campaign trail in Rochester yesterday and tried to link the Buffalo shootings with his microstamping proposal.  Sure, he left out the part about the shootings being gang-related, but not to worry because according to the D&C:

“… He said he favored gun owners’ rights, but said he would crack down on rogue gun dealers …”

The Albany Times Union is impressed with his performance and gave him their endorsement:

“In a crowded Democratic field this year, one candidate clearly stands out: Eric Schneiderman … he has been an eloquent, progressive voice, speaking out for reform, sensible gun control, marriage equality and equal protection for all New Yorkers …”

The Gotham Gazette thinks this endorsement is really helpful:

“… It has been said that Schneiderman is relying heavily on votes from minorities in the city but the Times Union endorsement should solidify him as a force upstate …”

Perhaps they should have checked how the locals reacted because the Niagara Falls Reporter also thinks he clearly stands out:

“There’s an idiot named Eric Schneiderman running in the race for state Attorney General this fall. He thinks the reason there’s so much gun violence in Niagara Falls, Buffalo and New York City is that the state’s gun laws aren’t strong enough … There’s a good case to be made that if there had been one man or woman in the City Grill that night who legally had a handgun and was practiced in its use, McCray could have been dispatched before he had a chance to slaughter five people. Guys like Schneiderman will never understand this …”

3 thoughts on “Endorsing an idiot

  1. Question:
    Is there a substantial percentage of upstate voters who would embrace Schneidermans progressive agenda or is it mostly just left leaning media outlets?

    In the past I would have said that he’d play real well downstate. But a lot of people here are very fed up with progressives and their ilk having experienced “change.”

  2. Schneiderman appears to think he can win largely by appealing to Manhattan liberals. He blew off two debates upstate and I have not seen any broadcast ads from him or road signs. Coffey is running tv ads out of Albany and I have seen signs from Rice & Dinallo.

  3. To his credit he knows enough to stick with his base.

    So many times I’ve seen politicos, usually RINO’s and pseudo conservatives try to appear as Democrats at election time. This tactic almost never works.

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