Democrats worried about turnout

I found an interesting quote by Michael Moore in this Breitbart article:

“… There were Hillary offices in many towns, campaign offices. There was door-to-door campaigns, but you couldn’t get a yard sign. And I learned long after the election, when I was making my last movie in 2018, from one of her top campaign people, he told me, he said, ‘That’s correct, it was on purpose. We were afraid that if there were too many Hilary yard signs, it would remind the Trump voters that, ‘Oh, yeah, that’s right, I’ve got to get out and vote against her.’ So they’re afraid. They start with the fear of the Trump voter, and that’s what’s going on now …”

That explains all the Joe Biden signs I’m seeing. They’re concerned about turnout even in New York where Democrats have a ~2.2 to 1 enrollment advantage over Republicans.