Democrat implosion, Republican incompetence

From Real Clear Politics:

“… Gallup’s generic polling shows the number of voters saying that they would vote for Republicans rising three points from last week, while the number saying they will vote for Democrats dropped four points.  The 49%-43% lead for the Republicans is the largest that the pollster has ever recorded for the party.  Moreover, Democratic enthusiasm for voting this fall fell a point, while enthusiasm among Republicans stayed about fifteen points higher.  This indicates an even wider lead for Republicans once Gallup imposes a likely voter screen this fall …”

Instead of taking advantage of this, what do we get from the NY GOP?  Rick Lazio.  According to every poll I’ve seen, Andrew Cuomo will squash him like a bug.  Why?  It’s not because people are in love with Cuomo.  I like this observation from Bob Fois:

“… why has the New York Republican establishment looked at the best opportunity to win in 15 or 30 years and seemingly squandered it?  Too much subtracting their opponents, not enough addition of their own candidates …”

Right.  Where are the Republicans reaching out to the people?  They’re definitely not trying for the gun vote.  I don’t even see them looking to registered Republicans for support.  It’s all the backroom boys pulling strings.

One thought on “Democrat implosion, Republican incompetence

  1. “According to every poll I’ve seen, Andrew Cuomo will squash him like a bug.”

    Like a bug on a windshield, but I still have my big, “ban Cuomo” button (says “Cuomo” with red ban symbol over the name) that I got at a gun show a long time ago, when his father was a problem. It’s still in good working order, and remains perfectly serviceable.
    If he takes the new tone of not attacking gun rights, that Democrats like Obama are following, post-Heller, it may not be necessary to use it. Andrew may choose to be governor and leave our gun rights alone, or he may choose to be a political nuisance and go the way of his father’s failed career. What’s it gonna be, Andy?

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