New depths of stupidity

Gun control proponents aren’t known for using facts to back up their positions, however we’re plumbing new depths of stupidity with this argument against reciprocity:

“… Randi Bregman of Vera House in Syracuse says ultimately this kind of legislation would weaken New York’s gun control laws. For victims of domestic violence that could be deadly … Bregman says it’s not uncommon for victims of domestic violence to flee across state lines to somewhere they think is more safe. “They may have friends or family they may come to, and they may end up in New York State. And I think making the protections we have in New York to make concealed carry looser, could potentially put someone in harms way,” Bregman said …”

OMG.  Is this idiot actually suggesting that people come to New York because they think our gun control laws make it safer?  I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything remotely like that before.  NYAGV doesn’t even do that.  It’s like saying people are moving here because they like paying high taxes.