Higgins cheap political stunt

The Buffalo News reports:

Rep. Brian Higgins isn’t exactly sticking to his guns. After accepting $5,000 in donations from the National Rifle Association between 2006 and 2012, the Democratic lawmaker from Buffalo announced on Facebook earlier this month that he now plans to donate that money to local and national organizations dedicated to fighting for what he called “common sense gun safety policies.” …”

He accepted multiple donations between 5-10 years ago knowing full-well the beliefs of the people making those donations and just decides now he doesn’t agree with them?

An honest person who accepted monies under false pretenses would return it to the original donors, not turn around and hand it to people inimical to them. This is one of the lamest political stunts I have ever seen.

2 thoughts on “Higgins cheap political stunt

  1. Time and again, as I have always said, it is proved that ANYONE with a D after their name is NO GOOD. They will ALWAYS end up knifing us in the back EVERY TIME. When is that going to penetrate the thick skulls?

  2. Gun owners have to support Dems who support 2A. That is a primary reason NY leads in gun control. NRA refuses to do that.

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