Some excerpts from a letter to the Buffalo News:
“Every time I go by a “Repeal the SAFE Act” sign I still have to chuckle … Now there is even a proposal to repeal the SAFE Act upstate. Some Western New York legislators spend more time talking about repeal on the campaign trail than they do in the Legislature … Even Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan candidly acknowledged that repeal is done. “I think on a very practical level most people don’t believe the SAFE Act is going to be repealed.” …”
The author speaks the truth, especially the part about legislators talking about repeal, but doing nothing about it in the legislature.
The bills A-6140/S-679C were introduced and no action was taken on either of them. Why didn’t Republican legislators attempt to link passage of this proposal with state budget negotiations? If the Senate sponsor’s were serious why didn’t they make a Motion for Committee Consideration? If the Assembly sponsor’s were serious why didn’t they make a Motion to Discharge?
The reality is that even if the Republican’s were serious there’s just not enough of them and they do not have the political clout to move agenda items like this anymore. The New York party is not functioning and in the not too distant future they will become a permanent minority party in the state.