IDC committee

The Senate IDC is forming their own campaign committee:

“A group of five breakaway Senate Democrats is creating its own party campaign committee … The Senate Independent Democratic Conference, also known as the IDC, is doing it through an unusual agreement with the minor state Independence Party. Under the deal, the Independence Party will create the Senate Independence Campaign Committee that Sen. Jeffrey Klein will control … Klein, as part of the deal, said he will not have a say on who the Independence Party endorses. But he’ll use the committee to help fund Independence Party-backed Senate candidates that the IDC also supports …”

This stinks.  Would not surprise me if Gov. Cuomo was involved behind the scenes in this as well.  Ditto for John Flanagan.

“… This fall’s elections will determine which party controls the chamber, with the IDC likely providing the swing votes.”


I don’t see the Senate Republicans having an outright majority anymore.  Heck, with The Donald doing so badly in the state the mainline Democrats might even get enough members to give them complete control leaving both Klein and the Republicans out in the cold.

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