Trump leading the pack

Bad news, The Donald won South Carolina.

Good news, he seems to have knocked out Jeb Bush in the process.

Giving credit where it is due, Trump has lasted longer than I would have thought.  Some of this is due to the man himself, some to the open primaries where Democrats and independents could vote, but a lot has to due with the overcrowded GOP field and the ineptness of the other candidates.

It is too soon to declare him the nominee.  As the field thins even more he could be overshadowed.

One thought on “Trump leading the pack

  1. Open voting is a major problem and yet another FAILURE of the Republican leadership. Knowing how dirty the Democrats play (there is no low limit), the scumbags probably had a wide campaign for their operatives to vote for Trump to torpedo us. No other explanation. Trump was a shill for the Clintons from the get go. One of Trumps key people is this left / Democrat lawyer Cohen (don’t remember his first name). Look him up, a real nasty piece of work, this guy. Threatens, bullies,………….. Hired in Trump’s own image.

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