What I said

Kurt Schlichter’s latest opinion piece, “The Tide Is Turning Against Democrats in the Debate Over Gun Control“, reiterates what I wrote two days ago.

Some highlights:

“This is what it looks like when the tide is turning. You have the New York Times putting its foot down. They stuck an op-ed telling us (contrary to the hitherto party line) that they do, in fact, want to take our guns … Media stompy foot is not a sign of strength; it’s a pathetic confession of weakness …”

And their front page op-ed, the first since the 1920s, will forever be cited by gunnies as proof gun control is all about confiscation. The big lie has been exposed for all to see.

“… even Obama had to rouse himself from his listless stupor and go on TV and speak. You could see how much he hated having to take time away from his enfascistment program to talk to us yokels about defending our country. How bad do you think the Democrat agenda of cowering, cowardice, and confiscation has got to be polling to get him off the links and doing his job? …”

The President must always exude confidence and strength when speaking regardless of the subject matter. His performance not only hurt the gun control agenda (good), it empowers the enemies of freedom around the world who see him as weak and a fool (bad).

“… Obama’s lies didn’t help … Everyone saw that the fools masquerading as our leaders were twisting themselves into yogi-like contortions not to acknowledge what everyone knows – what even the murderers themselves were proud to admit … Everyone sees that Obama and his minions not only cannot protect us, but that they will actively seek to stop us from doing it ourselves. Everyone sees that Obama is simply trying to not let this crisis go to waste by stripping real Americans of their ability to protect themselves from Islamist murderers – and from his fascist dreams …”

Which comes back to my point. Even people who have no knowledge of guns or interest in gun control can only come to one conclusion:

These people are totally fucking nuts!