Overstating Bloomberg wins

Headline at the Post, “Mike Bloomberg has spent $72M on campaigns, won 67% of races“:

“… Ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg has spent $72 million in the past four years to boost his chosen candidates and pet causes across the country, records reviewed by The Post show … He has spent $34.6 million on winning candidates and causes — and $21.4 million on losers. And he spent another $16 million on pet issues that were not linked to particular candidates, such as gun control and climate change. The Post tallied up Bloomberg’s individual contributions, his groups’ spending on candidates and his PAC’s television contracts since 2012. Bloomberg has won more battles than he’s lost — going 31 to 15 on races and ballot initiatives in which he spent more than $10,000 in PAC money, for an impressive .674 winning percentage …”

That does not tell the whole story.  A lot of the races Bloomberg put money into were not competitive.  Same with the NRA.  It is better to put $1 into a highly competitive race where the recipient will appreciate it than throw $1000 at an incumbent with cannon-fodder opposition.  Doing this requires more work to identify the best races and I have not seen anything to indicate Bloomberg’s people are putting in the extra effort.

One thought on “Overstating Bloomberg wins

  1. So when the Koch brothers do this, it is a travisty of “justice”, a special interest overriding the will of the people with money………….. But when it is one of their scumbags, like Bloomberg or Soros, ohh its wonderful, true philanthropy, doing good…………………

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