Not a winning strategy

Over at Hot Air is an op-ed, “Hillary’s gun confiscation proposal is going to backfire in a big way.

I agree. Pushing gun control is a bad idea for the general election.  What I don’t agree with is this:

“… this is a winning strategy for Clinton in the primary because her base has largely been sold on the idea of things like expanded background checks at the federal level and a national gun registry …”

It isn’t for several reasons:

  1. As I have said many times before, the antis do not have an ability to turn out people to vote on their issue.  There is a huge difference between having a person agree with an idea and going out and acting on it.  Show me where there is a serious effort by the antis to get people to register and vote for candidates based upon their gun control stance.
  2. Anything Hillary says during the primary will come back against her in the general election.
  3. By opening her mouth now, she has given time for gunnies to raise money and organize people in opposition to her.  Unless she is expecting Mayor Bloomberg to personally cut her a $100 million check, why bring up the issue now?  All she has done is raised millions of dollars for the NRA.