The State Senate passed a bill making some minor changes to the SAFE Act in particular the ammo registration part.
Senator Daniel Squadron tried making some noise about it, but it is not like he and everybody else didn’t know the bill was coming to the floor for a vote.
Here’s a press statement I wrote for the media about it.
Is there a list of who voted for / against?
Nay Addabbo Aye Amedore Nay Avella Aye Bonacic
Aye Boyle Nay Breslin Nay Carlucci Nay Comrie
Aye Croci Aye DeFrancisco Nay Diaz Nay Dilan
Nay Espaillat Aye Farley Aye Felder Aye Flanagan
Aye Funke Aye Gallivan Nay Gianaris Aye Golden
Aye Griffo Nay Hamilton Aye Hannon Nay Hassell-Thompson
Nay Hoylman Aye Kennedy Nay Klein Nay Krueger
Aye Lanza Aye Larkin Aye Latimer Aye LaValle
Exc Libous Aye Little Aye Marcellino Aye Marchione
Aye Martins Nay Montgomery Aye Murphy Aye Nozzolio
Aye O’Mara Aye Ortt Aye Panepinto Nay Parker
Nay Peralta Nay Perkins Aye Ranzenhofer Aye Ritchie
Nay Rivera Aye Robach Abs Sampson Nay Sanders
Nay Savino Aye Serino Nay Serrano Aye Seward
Aye Skelos Nay Squadron Nay Stavisky Nay Stewart-Cousins
Nay Valesky Aye Venditto Aye Young
Political Theater by Senate GOP’ers. That bill has no chance of passing and will die once this legist year ends.
What it does show is GOP Senators are scared and attempting to save their jobs by beating their chests passing this bill having minor adjustments to SAFE.
These Wussies should have voted SAFE down 2013. Now we’re stuck with the POS.