Making gun control part of the “gay agenda”

Some openly gay politicians are trying to make gun control part of their agenda:

“… Assemb. Matthew Titone (D-Staten Island), an openly gay member of the Assembly, said the attack Sunday morning that left 49 dead at the hands of a man spraying bullets from a legally purchased a rifle is a call to action to enact more strict gun control and weaken the National Rifle Association … He said the NRA, which he said protects the gun manufacturing industry, has now become a target of the “gay agenda” because of the shooting, and he promised a formidable effort …”


The exact opposite is happening.  Gays are coming out for Donald Trump.  For all his faults, The Donald is at least putting the blame for the Orlando shooting where it belongs on radical Islam.

Retired cop shoots robber in Queens

Sweep it under the rug

A radical Islamist shot up a gay nightclub in Florida killing at least 50 people.  Let the blood dancing begin:

“… “I’m glad that this state has taken action because the gun violence is just getting worse and worse and worse,” Cuomo added, referring to the NY SAFE Act he signed into law in 2013 that banned high-capacity magazines and created an assault weapons registry …”

Yeah, like that would have helped.  Florida law prohibits firearms in nightclubs because alcohol is served there.

Openly gay Assemblywoman Deborah Glick chimed in with this:


Now for a reality check: The antis aren’t going to be able to exploit this for political gain. This is clearly an act of terrorism by a religious nut. Because of this, political correctness demands that everything be swept under the rug as soon as possible.

Steve Halbrook discusses Peruta ruling

Yet another astroturf group

The antigunners are trotting out yet another phony front group to push the agenda:

Gen. David Petraeus and retired astronaut Mark Kelly announced Friday they are forming a new gun control group for veterans. The Veterans Coalition for Common Sense will push to strengthen gun background check laws and help prevent veterans from committing suicide …”

Low-end astroturf. They could not even bother with their own website and are using WordPress.

Decision will motivate the gun vote

The full 9th Circuit Court ruled there is no right to carry a concealed gun for self-defense:

“… “The protection of the Second Amendment — whatever the scope of that protection may be — simply does not extend to the carrying of concealed firearms in public by members of the general public.” … “Because the Second Amendment does not protect in any degree the right to carry concealed firearms in public, any prohibition or restriction a state may choose to impose on concealed carry — including the requirement of ‘good cause,’ however defined — is necessary allowed by the Amendment,” the 9th Circuit said …”

Open carry was not part of the decision.

Makes me wonder what would happen if the courts ultimately decide concealed carry can be restricted, but open carry cannot?

I’m sure the NRA is going to use this for GOTV efforts this fall.

SCOTUS and the election

Adam Winkler has an interesting piece on the presidential election’s impact on the Supreme Court, “Why the Supreme Court Won’t Impact Gun Rights“:

“… Guns are the new abortion. During the confirmation battles over Supreme Court nominees in the 1980s and 1990s, it sometimes seemed as if the only relevant question was how the prospective justice would vote on reproductive rights … In the next confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court nominee, be it Merrick Garland or someone else nominated by a President Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, guns will likely play the role that abortion used to play …”

I agree.

“… Guns will be at the forefront of the confirmation hearings because of the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, the landmark ruling in which the justices, in an opinion written by the now-deceased Antonin Scalia, held for the first time that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own guns …”

I believe Heller was the first explicit case on 2A, but it was not the first time SCOTUS referenced 2A as an individual right.

“… The NRA’s remarkable record of legislative success highlights one reason gun rights will not be significantly affected by a Justice Garland. Gun rights in America have been vigorously and successfully protected by the elected branches of government … Even if Heller were overturned, current state and federal laws giving people easy access to guns will remain on the books …”

This is probably true for most of the country.  In places like New York it could motivate new antigun laws.

“… Heller was a narrow decision that did not fundamentally reshape America’s regime of gun laws …”

True, it was a first step.  Here is where the problem starts:

“… In the eight years since Heller, there have been several hundred lawsuits challenging nearly every type of gun law on the books. Only a few laws, however, have been invalidated … All the laws at the top of the gun-control agenda … “

A lot of these decisions effectively overrule Heller.  We need decent judges at all levels to build up legal precedent and originalist justices like Scalia who interpret the Bill of Rights based upon what it actually says and not engage in mental gymnastics to read into it what some people want it to say.

“… there is one really strong reason not to overturn Heller: It would spark a backlash that would make the political movement to reverse Roe seem like a schoolyard kerfuffle. The NRA would push for a constitutional amendment to enshrine gun rights and would likely include language, like it has in a series of recent amendments to state constitutions, making it much harder to restrict guns …”


“… What the liberal justices would likely do is refuse to expand Heller significantly. They would not read the Second Amendment to prohibit bans on assault rifles or to overturn “may-issue” concealed-carry permitting laws …”

And that is what the court fight is all about.

Trump still doesn’t have a campaign organization

The Donald still does not have a coherent campaign set up:

“… Republicans working to elect Trump describe a bare-bones effort debilitated by infighting, a lack of staff to carry out basic functions, minimal coordination with allies and a message that’s prisoner to Trump’s momentary whims … Veteran operatives are shocked by the campaign’s failure to fill key roles. There is no communications team to deal with the hundreds of media outlets covering the race, no rapid response director to quickly rebut attacks and launch new ones, and a limited cast of surrogates who lack a cohesive message …”

I knew about this months ago and it appears not much has changed.

Trump’s response? Throw some more garbage in the dumpster fire.

His answer does not inspire confidence. What is going to happen after Hillary finishes off Bernie and she and her media allies go 24/7 negative on him?

Bloomberg/Everytown endorses Hillary

Michael Bloomberg’s astroturf proxy endorsed Hillary Clinton for President:

“… “Gun Sense Voters have a champion in Hillary Clinton,” John Feinblatt, the president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in the statement. “Our litmus test is simple: does a candidate side with the public or with the gun lobby? Hillary Clinton passes that test with flying colors — pushing back against the N.R.A.’s extreme ‘guns for everyone, everywhere’ agenda, and ushering in a new political calculus that saving lives from gun violence is a winning issue.” …”

This strikes me as being more about Hillary v. Bernie than Hillary v. Trump.  I have seen just one Hillary road sign along with two Trump signs and one Trump bumpersticker.  By contrast I have seen a lot of Bernie signs and bumperstickers and they are not confined to one area.

“… In addition to the endorsement, Everytown pledged to help Mrs. Clinton’s campaign get out the vote in California’s primary on Tuesday, the spokeswoman said, hosting phone banks and door-to-door campaigns that would start over the weekend …”

I don’t see this as being very effective.  Aside from gun control never really being a motivating issue, there is not much of a difference between the two candidates, Hillary’s “F” and Bernie’s “D-“.  It comes across as an unpopular issue group trying to prop-up an unpopular candidate.