Congress isn’t listening to Bloomberg

Once again, Mayor Bloomberg is trying to make political hay out of some police shootings in order to advance his private sale prohibition bill and the Daily News is happy to assist with two stories: “Mayor Bloomberg: Washington needs to stop cowering before the gun lobby” and “Police Commissioner Ray Kelly fights the good fight in New York City’s long war against guns“:

“… Every one of the criminals who has shot at our police officers possessed his gun illegally. Every one.  And make no mistake: It will happen again — and again — until those in Washington stop cowering before the gun lobby.  Across the country, more than 80% of gun owners support simple fixes to the background check system that would help stop the flow of guns to criminals.  The ideologues who run the gun lobby don’t want us to know that, but it’s true.  Americans of both parties support common-sense steps that would save lives and protect our police.  But the gun lobby doesn’t, and it has scared Washington silent …”

Not true.  Congress is working on the issue in the form of the national reciprocity bill.  Mayor Mike is just upset they’re not even paying lip service to his agenda.  And why should they?  MAIG and the rest of the gun control groups are largely just astroturf and Congress knows that.

“… “There is no easy solution to this problem,” [Police Commissioner Raymond] Kelly said Sunday, “absent a comprehensive anti-gun strategy throughout the country, as opposed to a pro-gun strategy.  In New York, we have every law we need on the books.  The problem isn’t this state, it’s all the other ones.” …”

If gun laws in other states are the problem, then why don’t those other states have similar problems to New York City?  If criminals have “easy” access to guns in North Carolina and Virginia, why do they come back up to NYC to ply their trade?  Why not stay down there?  I’ve never seen any media mouthpiece ask a question like that before to either Bloomberg or Kelly.

The sound of silence

It’s been several days since CoBIS was scrapped and there hasn’t been so much as a peep out of any of the antigun groups over it.  While CoBIS was an undeniable policy disaster, what is important is that a Democrat Governor, not known for being our friend, of a deeply red state publicly admitted a gun control law was a failure and repealed it:

“… “We are ending a program that doesn’t solve crimes or make our streets safe,’’ said Cuomo spokesman Josh Vlasto …”

This is not an insignificant admission.  It’s a major hit to the antigunners agenda, especially to their latest scheme, microstamping.  It is going to have ramifications across the country.