Katie Couric interviews Bloomberg

The detestable Katie Couric (whose mummification process looks to be coming along nicely) interviews the even more detestable Michael Bloomberg on his legacy as Da Mayor.

On the topic of guns:

Some highlights:

“… Asked if he could outspend the National Rifle Association and other opponents of gun control measures, Bloomberg casually replied, “Oh sure.” But then added, “I’m not the only funder of this.” …”

True, he’s got the cash, but what he doesn’t have is genuine public support. That’s why after spending tens of millions of dollars over the years Congress blew him off. If Couric had any journalistic objectivity left she should have asked him why, if he’s got more cash and public support than NRA, did he lose?

7 thoughts on “Katie Couric interviews Bloomberg

  1. Of course he’s not the only funder. There’s Soros, and the Gifford’s millionaire backer, and at least a dozen other 0.1%-ers.

    That counts as “popular support right? 😉

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