Hoping to make a martyr

Lots of racists, radical leftists and antigunners are trying to make Trayvon Martin into a martyr either for their cause or simply for personal gain.

Here’s Josh Horowitz summing up the gun controllers lies:

One thought on “Hoping to make a martyr

  1. According to African American leaders there are 1001 root causes for the murder and mayhem in places like south Chicago, and astonishingly, not one of them is their fault. The rate of violence perpetrated by young black men is absolutely appalling. That is the truth and that is reality. What is the “progressive” answer? Outlawing our guns, making criminals out of us, and eventually, getting around to kicking down our doors and throwing us in prison for some small component that we had from 20 years ago, and forgot in the attic that is now illegal. Meanwhile, the African American community maintains a culture where being a violent criminal is the only acceptable code of conduct. Does anybody find this unacceptable, or am I living in an alternate universe? There was a case, here in Long Island, where white kids were (allegedly) harassing an African American family. The man came out of his house with a shotgun, and killed one of the white kids. It made the back pages of a newspaper and he was never charged. How about we get together for a day of outrage in front of Kathleen Rice’s office and demand justice for that kid’s family?

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