What about Cuomo in 2016?

From Politico, “What if Hillary Clinton passes on 2016?“:

“For Democrats, there is no fallback: It’s Hillary Clinton or probably a long bout of depression ahead of 2016 …”

Really?  But what about Andrew Cuomo?  He supports gun control and women.

“… there is no obvious replacement.  And the party would be looking at a mad scramble to fill the Clinton void … Another senior Democrat agreed, saying, “There’s Hillary, and then there’s, like, Plan K. There is no B or C or G or whatever.”  Such assessments wouldn’t sit well with Democrats who are looking at 2016 as the understudies to Clinton — Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Vice President Joe Biden, to name a few …”

Hahahahaha!  They didn’t even mention him.

Things were looking real good for him this time last year, with poll numbers in the low 70s.  Then he decided to exploit tragedy and push gun control.  The result:  His approval ratings have plunged, his so-called women’s agenda crashed and burned, and now he’s dropped off the list of top tier Democrat presidential contenders for 2016.

26 thoughts on “What about Cuomo in 2016?

  1. Good real Americans know Cuomo is a scum bag, but the problem is there are a lot of morons out there that would vote for this piece of shit. Everyone needs to open their mouth and speak what a loser Cuomo is.

  2. Cuomo is done at the Federal level — for now, but we’re still stuck with him. For NY to get rid of Cuomo the Northerners are going to have to get serious about transforming the opinion of the southern part of the state. Would be nice to see some anti-cuomo campaigns running down here 24/7. There is plenty of dirt (even aside from safe) to sink his ass if someone with the funds would just use it.

    Based on what little I know about him, I’d like to see Greg Ball run against Cuomo. He presents well and he’s far enough south he might get some traction.

  3. I also like Greg Ball, but doubt he has the appetite for hire office. Seems just as disgusted with NYS government as the rest of us that bother to stay informed.

  4. Dems could run Bill Clinton and he still lose.
    Obama has so poisoned that party and the liberal agenda that republicans could run Reagan’s grave and win.

    A nice election touch be Howard Sterns slamming Prince Andy like he did Papa Mario with his “Talk to the King”. Think Howard was very effective getting Mario out of office.

  5. Adios Lil’ Andrew. And With any luck, you’ll be a single term governor as well.

  6. Speaking of popularity contests, Jack Martins (R) sent out a summary of his accomplishments in the NYS senate this year. Gues what he DID NOT MENTION. Nope – no mention at all. Big problem most of us are forgetting is we are the minority in NYS. This IS commie town. Listening to all the pundits is very scary. They have all their operatives out in Texas, and the rest of real America (whats left of it) working hard “for change”. Just like what they did in CO. May not even pay to move away from here, as I am considering. Better wake up Americans.

  7. Just an interesting note. Abortion, good, bad, or indifferent, I anit sayin here, but it IS one of those really emotional things. I wonder if Rick Perry (R-Texas Gov – a good guy by most of our standards) isn’t doing a CUOMO IN REVERSE with that issue. The left may love it cause they will use it to pound him. See what happens. Its just getting more and more bitter and polarized.

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