Legislative Report #3

Legislative Report #3 is now online.

One thought on “Legislative Report #3

  1. The “safe” act, and all “gun control” is at best, an act of spite by the Bolsheviks against the hard working, honest law abiding folks who love freedom and our constitution, and do not agree with their “progressive” agenda. At worst, it is a necessity for their despotic designs. Their description of themselves as “progressive” is a joke in that it is the natural entropy of all government to become ever increasingly powerful and centralized and as such, they are really regressive. It was the original American experiment of a constitutional republic that had, as the center piece of its ideology, the sanctity of the individual and an enumerated limitation of government power that was progressive. I know these people because I grew up in the city with them and have fought them all my life. Be warned. These are not good people.

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