Big win in Illionis

Coming on the heals of our defeat in the 2nd Circuit, the 7th Circuit has ruled that Illionis prohibition on carrying concealed firearms is unconstitutional.

The antis are going to shit themselves over this.

2 thoughts on “Big win in Illionis

  1. It’s the right to keep and bear arms, not the right to keep not bear arms? Who would have guessed?

  2. I have the right to defend my life in my house, but as soon as I step out of my house I’m fair game for any criminal that happens along? That kind of “reasoning” isn’t reasoning, it’s insane. It’s anti-human.
    A 9mm in my pocket doesn’t guarantee that I will live, but it’s better than less than nothing, which is what the BS of gun control is.
    The left’s logic is that there’s capitalist America to destroy, and that’s why they want to disarm us. I’d prefer to live, and skip the commie BS too.

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