The Plan

The Daily Beast reports on Obama’s gun control plan, “Obama’s Quiet Guns Crackdown“:

“… Administration officials told Newsweek and The Daily Beast that starting as early as next week, Obama will begin a series of changes designed to tighten regulations and penalties under current laws—bypassing a fight in Congress with the pro-gun National Rifle Association in the process.  The changes will include:  A national electronic system designed to make background checks for handgun buyers simpler and faster, leaving an electronic paper trail under a law named for James Brady, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary who was wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on the president …”

We need to watch to see if this becomes defacto registration.

“… A new reporting requirement that federally licensed gun shops report any person who tries to buy two long-arm weapons near the Mexican border over a five-day period …”

Bloomberg loves this.  NRA does not.

“… Tougher sentencing guidelines for straw buyers that Holder’s department pushed through procedural hoops at the U.S. Sentencing Commission earlier this year …”

Going to have see what exactly this is.

This whole thing looks like Obama is trying to shift the discussion away from the Fast & Furious scandal. Brit Hume is right on when he calls it a cover-up:

3 thoughts on “The Plan

  1. Saw this BATF change yesterday and I can’t believe it’s just coincidence. Why would they change now the classification of a very popular rifle cartridge (223) so they can ban solid ammo. By the way, this is at the same time that they are pushing to ban lead ammo. It’s going to be interesting to see how they nickel and dime us at every possible opportunity. Pretty soon they’ll be banning Hoppe’s #9 !

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