
The San Francisco Chronicle has a story entitled, “Here Are 12 Reasons Why The AOL-Huffington Post Merger Is Going Down In Flames.

Here’s reason #13, “White House Taking ‘Seriously’ Al Qaeda’s Eying Of America’s Gun Show Loophole“:

“The Obama administration says it’s taking “seriously” a statement from an al Qaeda spokesman that instructs sympathizers of the terrorist group to exploit soft spots in U.S. gun laws …”

One thought on “#13

  1. Okay, so where are all these gun-crazed jihadi wannabes screaming allahuha ahkbahaha as they try to take advantage of our “lax” gun laws, i.e. our freedom, as some of us are inclined to call it, to murder us by mowing us down by the dozens? Well, maybe it’s just a slow news day today. Maybe they’re all out buying air conditioners to beat the heat instead of going to gun shows to buy armloads of all those fully automatic, rip roaring machine guns for sale there, just like jihadi dadi Adam Gadhan from Oregon told them they could. Yeah, and I’m sure they all believe that they’ll all get 72 virgins once they martyr themselves too. After all, Mr. Al Qaedameister himself said on TV that they could get machine guns real easy, so it must be true. Or, maybe they just want to worry about getting their kids through college, and skip all that getting shot up and dying stuff for the glory of some Al Qaeda, fatcat fanatic, former American and head case hiding out on the run somewhere on the planet, who couldn’t care less about them regardless of what they do.
    Meanwhile, Bloomie and his MAIGmeisters are doing everything they can to make sure that any jihadi wannabes have only unarmed victims to contend with. I have to wonder who wants us dead more, Al Qaeda or MAIG.
    I think MAIG has more to gain politically from a massacre, and they’re trying to disarm us so that we are defenseless against any would-be jihadis, and they feed off of our own tax dollars like parasites, so I am more concerned about MAIG than Al Qaeda. Besides, suicidal Jihadi wannabes are a lot scarcer in New York than MAIG mayors and much less of a threat to our freedom too.
    So, when is Seal Team Six going to land in Bloomberg’s compound? We are fighting for freedom, aren’t we? And you know that Bloomie, anal retentive little tyrant that he is, is dead set against freedom. He just can’t stand it, at least for anyone who isn’t him. He wants all the power in the world for himself, but if someone else wants even so much as to carry a little .25 for self-defense, he turns into the gun nazi and starts stamping up and down shouting, “Nein! Nein! Nein!” He needs to retire to Florida when his term expires and take his Weiner with him. The change will do him good, and it will do New York even better.

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