State and NYC legislative update

Legislative Report #5 and NYC Legislative Report #4 are now online.

Next weeks legislative agenda:

Assembly Codes, Tuesday 3/8

A-2494, Requires the judge in a criminal proceeding or in a family court proceeding, upon issuance of an order of protection to inquire as to the possession of a firearm by the defendant or respondent.

Senate EnCon, Tuesday 3/8

S-2975, Allows for rifle hunting in portions of Ontario County.

2 thoughts on “State and NYC legislative update

  1. “… to inquire as to the possession of a firearm by the defendant or respondent.”

    Why not ask if he has kitchen knives? How about baseball bats, nine irons, or a tire iron?
    “Hands, Feet, Fists, etc.” is an official FBI category of weapons. Why not require the judge to inquire if the respondent is in possession of such routinely lethal and deadly instruments?
    Nobody is trying to score political points against hands and feet, or even kitchen knives, but there are an awful lot of anti-democratic Democrats that are dead set against rights protected by the US Constitution.

  2. This is one of the antigun program bills that has the side “benefit” of letting legislators suck up to the feminists.

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