Bloomberg never rests

Mayor Mike’s newest antigun initiative as outlined in the Washington Post article, “Gun regulators propose emergency plan“:

“To stem the flow of guns to Mexico, federal firearms regulators are proposing an emergency requirement that certain gun dealers along the southwestern border report bulk sales of so-called assault weapons beginning as soon as January.  Dealers would be required to alert authorities when they sell within five consecutive business days two or more semiautomatic rifles greater than .22 caliber with detachable magazines … One of those pushing the administration to act was New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s office and his policy adviser, John Feinblatt, who first proposed such a requirement early in the administration. “Sixteen months ago, we called for it,” Feinblatt said. “It’s time to do it.” …”

Since when is buying two of anything constitute a bulk purchase?  Plus the whole idea that Mexican drug cartels are coming to America to buy guns is absurd.  This is just the latest big lie from the antis.

If the Obama administration wants to so something about border violence they should take a good look at legalizing drugs as the so-called war on drugs has been as big a public policy disaster as the gun control schemes Bloomberg and Co. are pushing for.

5 thoughts on “Bloomberg never rests

  1. I read that the cartels were using arms supplied to the Mexican government by our government. What is Bloombergs’ solution for that?

  2. Not satisfied interfering with the rights of citizens of other states he has now gone international.

  3. “…certain gun dealers along the southwestern border…”

    And as soon as Bloomberg and his gun flunky Feinblatt get that into place, they will hail it as miraculously effective and attempt to take it nationwide ASAP. That “southwestern border” thing is a gun control effort to get the gun control camel’s nose under the national tent.
    Not content with doing a bad job of running New York, megalomaniac Bloomberg wants to do a bad job of running the US. Bloomberg’s notion of freedom is that he should be free to take away as much of our freedom as he pleases. Like Hitler, Bloomberg is a dangerous sociopath with unlimited ambition and an arrogant disregard for the rights of others. He is very much a national socialist – they used to call themselves “Nazis“ before people figured out what they were about. Nowadays they hide that identity by calling themselves “No Labels”.

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