A-10194, Makes it illegal for certain persons to possess or sell a pistol converter or a converted pistol, has been introduced as a companion to S-9225.
Assembly Codes agenda for Tuesday, May 14 @ 11:00am:
- A-8085, Permits those licensed to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or to purchase or take possession of a semi-automatic rifle or licensed to hunt wildlife to purchase or take possession of ammunition without requiring contacting the statewide license and record database.
- A-8185, Repeals certain provisions establishing a fee for background checks on certain firearm and ammunition purchases; removes such fees as a source of funds for the background check fund.
Assembly EnCon agenda for Tuesday, May 14 @ 12:00pm:
- A-10113, Extends provisions authorizing big game hunting in Albany county until October 1, 2026.
Senate Consumer Protection agenda for Tuesday, May 14 @ 10:30am:
- S-8479, Requires issuers of credit and debit cards to use certain merchant category codes for firearm and ammunition dealers.