Opposing microstamping

Paladino opposes microstamping:

Q: Do you agree with Mayor Bloomberg’s push for a law requiring the microstamping of bullet casings?

A: “The technology is unproven … and a criminal fix for the marking takes under a minute.”

3 thoughts on “Opposing microstamping

  1. What is to stop an individual with pre-meditated intentions from going to the range and picking up a bunch of shell casings and scattering them at the scene of a crime? More nonsensical clap-trap from the pant pissing left. Eric Schniderman is the promoter of this hair brained scheme but Antoine Thompson is the king of the pant pissers.

  2. “…a criminal fix for the marking takes under a minute.”

    Markie Marxist sez: “But it’s SUPPOSED to take under a minute! The law isn’t aimed at our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals, it’s supposed to harrass our political enemies – those law-abiding gun owners! Microstamping is just common communist sense! That Carl guy is obviously NOT a good communist!”

  3. The “No” answer for the poll at the article starts off, “No, he’s a crude man…”
    Carl is so “crude” that he can’t see the politically correct nonsense that passes for the “Emperor’s New Clothes” in Albany. He’s so “crude” that he sees the truth, instead of the fabrications made of moonbeams that have no substance.
    Microstamping isn’t supposed to “work”; it’s supposed to be nonsense. It’s a substitute discussion that’s been trumped up to take the place of talking about crime, which is something that the Democratic Party will not talk about, for fear of offending their crime-prone constituent groups. When politicians represent criminal constituencies, what issue is not going to be on their political agenda? Crime!

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