Browde will continue fight to strengthen gun laws

A second contestant for AD-93 steps forward:

“Chappaqua resident and attorney Kristen Browde announced Thursday that she will be vying for the Democratic nomination for the 93rd Assembly District, the second candidate to step forward for the seat in as many days. Browde said if elected to the Assembly she will continue the fight to strengthen gun laws … motivation for Browde was that her youngest son, now a Horace Greeley High School sophomore, remarked how students participate in mandatory lockdown drills. Districts across the state are spending millions on security despite New York having some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, Browde said. “At the end of the day you can buy a high-powered weapon and shoot up a school in the state of New York easier than buying a pack of Sudafed and that’s just wrong,” Browde said. “Our kids shouldn’t be growing up with this and we shouldn’t be having to spend millions of dollars to protect our schools against this kind of violence.” …”

It does not seem to occur to Browde that if school’s are spending all this money in spite of New York’s gun control laws, that would mean those laws are a failure.  If the laws are a failure, why compound that failure with more of the same?

From Browde’s Twitter feed:

One thought on “Browde will continue fight to strengthen gun laws

  1. Kristen, open your eyes and pull your head out. GUN LAWS and RESTRICTIONS NEVER stop the criminals and crazy folk. Fix the REAL problem.
    Safety huh? HOW are we safe when you pass more gun laws? When I can’t legally protect my family I’ll do it illegally then. You probably have police protection and/or a firearm.
    You politicians are amazing in the stupidity you think we buy into.

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