Kagan confirmed

Elena Kagan was easily confirmed to SCOTUS by a 63-37 vote.

Schumer, of course, argued that Kagan is “well within the judicial mainstream.” The Brady Bunch was more honest with their opinion of her:

“… With Ms. Kagan’s background as an advisor and legal counselor to former President Clinton, and her experience as the dean of Harvard Law School, the Supreme Court is welcoming a justice who will respect judicial precedent and one who recognizes that reasonable gun regulations can save lives …”

This Fox News report describes what is at stake:

“… Over the next decade, the Court is likely to decide another three or four gun-rights cases tracing the broad contours of this right, such as whether you can exercise this right outside your home, what sorts of guns are protected by this right, and how high of a bar legislatures must overcome to enact gun-control laws …”

This probably will include all or part of the Sullivan Act.