Kagan’s confirmation

The Senate will likely confirm Elena Kagan as SCOTUS Justice this week.  NRA doesn’t like it, but despite claims by some people that they are not putting their full weight into opposing her, I don’t think that is the case.  The membership has been notified of their opposition and encouraged to contact their Senators, they have run television and print advertisements urging Senators to vote no, and they have said the confirmation vote will be considered when incumbent grades and endorsements are made this fall.  What else are people expecting them to do?

The sad fact is the NRA is in all likelihood going to lose on this.  I do not believe they have the ability to stop Kagan’s confirmation.

One thought on “Kagan’s confirmation

  1. The NRA plays it’s hand well but they aren’t all powerful. Still I would like to have seen more of a fight from conservatives on both sides of the aisle. Sometimes you fight battles you’re pretty sure to lose because it’s the right thing to do and living with yourself afterward is more difficult if you don’t.

    Importantly, as New Yorkers we bear a lot of the responsibility ourselves. Look at what WE send to Washington to vote on things like this.

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