Gun buybacks all the rage

There’s a rash of so-called gun buyback idiocy going on around the state.  Buffalo had theirs a few weeks ago.  Albany and Troy have theirs this weekend and Nassau has one planned for next weekend.

3 thoughts on “Gun buybacks all the rage

  1. Just wish they would pay for legal junk like they used to when they started these programs around 20 years ago. Now they’re selective.

  2. Markie Marxist sez: “I really like gun ‘buybacks’ because they imply that privately owned guns are the property of the state to begin with. That’s really cool from the Marxist perspective. Later on, once we get the public well-accustomed to gun buybacks, we can proceed to make them mandatory. Then we can start ‘buying back’ other things, like property, businesses and industries, until our Marxist state owns everything! Ha! Ha!”

  3. Kingston just had one, ostensibly financed with private donations:

    If there is a source promoting this activity (as you describe it as happening all over) it would be good to know who/what, so as to infer what the end goal they have formulated this time is. This is one venue where for once, private charity is an appropriate solution, and in fact the only appropriate one, but it wouldn’t be good if that were a fig leaf covering up the construction of a justification for less voluntary activities.

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