A long shadow

Off the AP wire, “Gun law challenges likely after high court ruling“:

“… Drawn-out permitting processes in New York and elsewhere also are ripe for a challenge, [Eugene] Volokh said. “I think a court will have no problem upholding a one-, two-, five-day waiting period,” he said. “But if you’re talking about a five-month wait, then a court may find it’s a substantial burden.” New York restricts who can possess and carry guns, allowing handgun permits only to applicants of “good moral character.” New Yorkers who want to carry their weapons must show “good cause” in addition to character, under a 99-year-old law. James Jacobs, a New York University law professor, said the high court presumes people have a right to a gun unless the government can show there’s a good reason to prevent it. The ruling, Jacobs said, “casts a long shadow over New York City’s gun regulations.” …”

Better put Jackie Hilly suicide watch so she doesn’t take the NYAGV cult out like Jim Jones.

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