Vote for Boyle’s opponent

Senator Phil Boyle was endorsed yesterday by the Suffolk County Republican’s to run for county sheriff.  He already had the Conservative Party endorsement.

Incumbent Vincent DeMarco is not running for re-election so vote for whomever the Democrats end up with as their nominee.  Doesn’t matter who it is.  Boyle is a piece of garbage.

3 thoughts on “Vote for Boyle’s opponent

  1. Boyle has switched his position on guns at least 3 times.

    He voted for the SAFE Act then introduced a bill to repeal it.

  2. Boyle seeked the support of gun clubs and hunting clubs when he ran for the seat of retiring Owen Johnson.
    Owen even brought Boyle around and introduced him and said he would be as pro 2A as he.
    First at bat, Boyle voted for the SAFE Act.
    He’s a RINO looking for the stupid Republican and Conservative sheep to continue to support him.

    DeMarco was against SAFE from the beginning. He never switched his position like Boyle did.

    Boyle NEVER introduced a bill to repeal SAFE. He finally got on board and cosponsored
    Kathleen Marchione bill.

    Boyle also voted for that other RINO Flannagan who voted for SAFE and is proud that he voted for SAFE to be the head of the Senate.

    I’d as soon cast a vote for Hillary Clinton than I would for Phil Boyle.


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