Good ad

Good anti-Trump ad by Our Principles PAC, a Super PAC run by a former Mitt Romney aide.

2 thoughts on “Good ad

  1. Yeah, what I said from the getgo. He’s a FRAUD!! A dirty trick by the Clintons. They did it last time with Ross Peraut (Bill would not have been president if not for Peraut and everybody knows it). He’s acting in concert with them and I cannot believe all the “smart” people like Levin, Savage, Hannity, OReilly……. who are being FOOLED! Hillary is so fucking DETESTABLE that Donald Trump is her only hope. That lunatic Bernie, with his rumple suit and his thinning white hair flying around IS ALMOST BEATING HER. Everything this downstate NY asshole is saying would be right out the window (including a negotiated AWB!) if he ever did win. Wake the fuck up, man!

  2. What is a populist? Answer – an extraordinary standout head asshole who resonates with all the regular assholes. Dude sounds like the half bagged unemployed douche sounding off from his bar stool in every corner bar across the world.

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