Cuomo is not antigun

Governor Cuomo says “I am not antigun.”

See the video starting at 2:39 at “New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls for ‘national gun policy’ after lawyer shot.

Good questioning by CNN reporter Alisyn Camerota.

One thought on “Cuomo is not antigun

  1. Beyond Cuomo, all these assholes from the assembly, after the reaction to (un)SAFE, will say they are “not anti-gun”. Michelle Schimel is not “anti-gun”, and according to her, has “friends who buy guns”, as I heard her say at a recent public appearance (which Tom’s fire mission succeeded at demolishing – LOL – and don’t fucking come back). But here is the question for all of them. Of all the RIDICULOUS anti gun bills over the years, including bans on 12 ga. shotguns, minimum melting points of the metals guns are made of………….., WHICH OF THESE BILLS DID YOU EVER VOTE AGAINST?

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