Win for open government, not gun rights

State of Politics reports, “Judge: State Should Release SAFE Act Stats“:

“New York state is being ordered by a state Supreme Court judge to release the statistical data on the number of firearms registered under the SAFE Act.  The ruling was issued on April 30, but released earlier on Thursday by the Shooters Committee on Public Education, or SCOPE, a gun-rights group that had challenged the state’s refusal to issue details on how many firearms have been registered … Gun-rights groups have contended the number of weapons registered under the SAFE Act is a relatively small, if not insignificant amount that renders the requirement toothless.  They point to the lack of transparency regarding the statistical data as having lent credence to the claim …”

While this is a win for government transparency it doesn’t do a thing for gun rights.  Neither the Governor nor the legislature care if the number is zero or one million and neither is likely to take any sort of action because of it.  There are all sorts of bad laws and failed government programs still on the books.  One more isn’t going to motivate Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders to admit they  made a mistake and at the end of the day SAFE will still be one of them.