
Remember when Governor Cuomo had visions of himself as a national leader and was going to ride on a wave of gun control into the White House in 2016?  Those days are long gone:

“… A new Quinnipiac University poll of Florida voters was anything but encouraging to Cuomo’s widely described interest in entering the 2016 presidential contest.  The poll, released Friday, not surprisingly found Hillary Rodham Clinton the runaway favorite, at 64 percent, among Democrats asked to pick their favorite presidential contender.  She was followed by Vice President Joe Biden, a distant second with 9 percent.  What was surprising was that a “progressive’’ favorite, freshman Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, placed third, with 5 percent of the tally, and that Cuomo was in a three-way time for fourth, with a mere 1 percent, with Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Virginia Sen. Mark Warner …”

This poll shows the Governor has problems with Democrats, not “extremist” Republicans.  Perhaps his fellow party members have come to realize that Cuomo just doesn’t have what it takes to be President.