The NSSF has filed an amicus brief supporting the NYSRPA lawsuit against the SAFE Act. It focuses on vagueness and commerce.
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All about guns, legislation and politics in New York
The NSSF has filed an amicus brief supporting the NYSRPA lawsuit against the SAFE Act. It focuses on vagueness and commerce.
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GOOD!!! These briefs are really starting to stack up! Your days in office are numbered Cuomo!!!
Baby Cuomo is like his POS father. He relied on the 5 boroughs and Westchester to keep him in Albany too. Same with “3 Counties Quinn” in IL.
This brief is exceptionally well-written. It addresses the confusion which this poorly-crafted legislation has caused; it exposes the inherent conflicts within the SAFE Act (which actually creates or amends NINE laws); and it makes a crystal-clear case for Restraint of Trade. I have considered the ludicrous restrictions in several sections of the SAFE Act to be in violation of Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, 3rd Paragraph (The Commerce Clause). States are precluded from regulating commerce between themselves and other states; thus, banning firearms in one state which are in common use across the USA is a usurpation of the power of Congress.
Good job, NSSA!