SCOTUS declines to hear proper cause case

SCOTUS has declined to hear SAF’s challenge to the Sullivan Act’s discretionary licensing system.

This should not be taken as a sign of approval by the court.  They only take like 1% of the appealed cases.

2 thoughts on “SCOTUS declines to hear proper cause case

  1. OK but we do, at least have the right to be safe in our homes, and 7 rounds will not do it when multiple crimminals in a home invasion may have many more. Cuomo stated that anyone who does not agree with him is an extremist. If it were only a few of us on this blog, fine. BUT ITS HALF OF NY, 50 COUNTIES OF NY, AND THE MAJORITY OF THE US OUTSIDE PIECE OF SHIT PROGRESSIVE NY. The balls on these people is amazing. Gillibrand, the absolute fraud that she is, stated on meet the press Sunday, that the majority of NRA members would support an “assault weapon ban”. These people are not only frauds and liars, but I think they may be on drugs and delusional.

  2. I forgot. Schumer was talking about concealed carry reciprocity, and said that people could come from a place out west and carry a gun in NY, and that is so “not us”. Meanwhile, the stupid bastard has a ful NYC carry, and carries a gun all the time. THERE IS A FRAUD! Well how about you dictating to people in America what kind of gun they cannot own? Isn’t that so not them?

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