Westchester special election

There is a special election Tuesday for Westchester Board of Legislators in District 12, in/around Greenburg.  One of the candidates, MaryJane Shimsky, is a fan of gun control.  From the January 14 issue of the Journal News:

“… Shimsky … wants to protect county-funded services and programs such as the Cornell Cooperative Extension, and the rights of residents, including gun control …”

Residents have a right to gun control?

Unfortunately due to the enrollment makeup of the district,  she’s likely going to win, although with low turnout it is conceivable opponent Nicholas DeCicco could pull off an upset.

One thought on “Westchester special election

  1. “Residents have a right to gun control?”

    Markie Marxist sez: “Of course, they have a right to gun control! All private citizens have the right to be arrested for gun possession, handcuffed, jailed, tried, found guilty of gun possession, and then fined and imprisoned too. It’s all just common communist sense really. MaryJane Shimsky sounds like she’ll be a good communist politician. No pesky Second Amendment fretting for her! Just pave those gun owners over with one legislative coup after another! To the gulag with them! Ha! Ha!”

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