Change you can’t believe in

The Times Union reports, “Lazio shakes up campaign“:

“Faced with a low bank account and a well-financed challenger, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio is replacing his campaign manager with an adviser to the Republican State Committee … He thanked exiting campaign manager Kevin Fullington “for a successful convention and his long hours and hard work to ready this campaign for the final push.” Fullington joins Lazio’s “executive committee,” composed of people working for the campaign. Matt Walter, Fullington’s replacement, served as executive director for the state GOP under former chairman Joe Mondello …”

Playing musical chairs with party hacks does not address the core problem of Lazio’s campaign, which is Lazio himself.

Not only is he facing Carl Paladino in a GOP primary, he’s facing Ralph Lorgio for the Conservative line.  Lorgio, like Paladino, is trying to making an issue of Lazio’s support for gun control.