Identifying the problem

Today’s Poughkeepsie Journal has an article, “Cuomo, Lazio raise and spend millions“, which clearly identifies the problem with Rick Lazio’s campaign.  Well, one of them anyway.  His main problem is he’s an antigun RINO, but beyond that we have this:

“… In the state’s gubernatorial race, former Rep. Rick Lazio has spent nearly as much money over the last six months as opponents Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino, despite Lazio’s anemic fundraising … Lazio reported spending $1.6 million between January and July … A large portion of that money went to political consultant Arthur Finkelstein, a longtime GOP operative.  Consultants have been paid $534,000 by Lazio’s campaign this election cycle …”

That’s outrageous.  He blows a third of his cash on political hacks and what does he get?  According to the latest poll numbers:

“… Cuomo earns 58% of the vote against Lazio and Paladino. Lazio, a former congressman and unsuccessful Senate candidate in 2000, picks up 27% support, with nine percent (9%) undecided … Paladino, a wealthy Buffalo businessman, in turn, captures 29% of the vote …”

Clearly the money was well spent.

I’d like to make an offer to Team Lazio.  Dump Finkelstein and hire me instead.  Give me $100,000 and I’ll drive your campaign into the ground faster and cheaper than the clowns running it now.

One thought on “Identifying the problem

  1. It just goes to show you the county club GOP set is a barely relevant ,neutered, arthritic old dog.

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