Good move by Trump

The Donald has rescinded his pledge to support the eventual Republican presidential nominee:

“… When asked if he would keep the pledge he signed last September, Trump responded “No, I won’t.” The real estate mogul explained that he was taking back the pledge because, “I have been treated very unfairly,” and listed the Republican National Committee and party establishment among those he believes have wronged him …”

Trump is crying foul because the ~35-40% plurality he’s won in the states is nowhere close to what he would need to win the general election. Worse, his popularity continues to decline:

This means he is only slightly more popular than standing downwind from a burning tire.

The possibility of the Republicans losing control of the House has even come up. We are not there yet, but if the campaign keeps stuff like this up it could go up for grabs. I would not have thought that possible last summer.

Hopefully breaking his pledge will encourage more people to abandon his campaign.

11 thoughts on “Good move by Trump

  1. At this point it almost seems inevitable that Hilary is going to win. If no one can get behind Trump even if he is the front runner, than Hillary will win. I don’t understand why everyone would rather have Hillary regardless who she goes against. Kiss the 2A goodbye at this point. Everyone will have NOBODY to blame but themselves when she is president and she will be. Mark my words, their will be no indictments. Period.

    Becuase everyone hates Trump but the worse is Hillary. Unbelievable. Mind as well put Cuomo as president while we are at it. I give up

  2. Trump’s main problem is that nearly 2/3 of the GOP do not want him as their nominee. Out of that number is an entrenched opposition that will not accept him under any circumstances.

    Plus, there is some debate as to whether Hillary is worse than Trump.

  3. Jacob. It’s pure speculation at this point. I mean I want Ted to win. However, Ted is not liable either and to see if Tumps supporters will back Ted if he gets the nomination is another question. It doesn’t make sense. I mean Ted Nugent was right regarding trump. Nobody likes him but he has the biggest following and is WINNiNG primary’s. Riddle me this, if he is so hated and unelectable. Why is he winning primary’s??. This makes no sense.

    I read the article that you tweeted and maybe it makes sense. However, it’s pure speculation and that is the worse part of this. If Hillary is the better choice than Trump, I guess we are all going to hell.

    I mean let’s be realistic. New York is finished. Unless the dynamic changes and it may in a decade or so. Nee are going to be living under a progressive rule of law. This will be done by the NYC political machine. We are finished upstate, we should concentrate efforts to dislodge ourselves from that tumor but nobody wants to do it. So we have no one to blame but ourselves and stomp and cry. This is our fault, we did this by not voting. Cuomo will not get indicted either. Both him and Hillary are two peas in a pod on that one. I don’t know what to say anymore on this Jacob. If we don’t support Trump if he becomes the front runner. Hillary and the progressive agenda will win another 8 years. Sad world we live in.

  4. Trump won a plurality, not majority, in so many states because too many other people were also running. The ~35% he got was enough for the win and to claim so many delegates.

    What I hope is that this latest outburst will show those delegates that he is not really committed to the GOP. If he cannot claim a majority in the first round of voting like half of them can vote for someone else. If it goes to a third vote even more delegates are freed up to vote for someone else.

    I still think the GOP can put together a winning ticket. Hillary and the Democrats have problems as well. The media is just not giving the same attention to them. If the Republicans get their act together and Hillary does not, more Rs then Ds might show up on election day and she goes down in defeat.

  5. Admin, you’re drinking the kool-aid!!! I haven’t seen any GOP’er that has Voters’ support or backing. 16-GOP politicians tried and failed, or are failing.

    If the best the GOP has is Cruz, watch the whooping he gets. It’ll be comparable to what Goldwater & the GOP got in the 60’s.

    You better see the fella that going get the butter to the bread, and not come up with these fantasies where some winning GOP’er comes out of the clouds riding a unicorn to save you.

    God, help us all!!!

  6. Trump was a nuke dropped on us by the commies. But I will vote for Trump over Hillary. I would vote for Kim Jong Un over Hillary. Surely, if we lose big here, that will be the end of 2A. The case that must be made is how bad it will be not just for gunnies. All public policy is based on the lowest common denominator. Just listen to NPR. If the dopes cannot handle owning a gun, then nobody should. You don’t care? How about pain meds. Just wait until G-d forbid, you get sick and are in terrible pain. Here in NY, the progressives have decided that you should not have pain meds. They have studies. LOL! The worst and the dummest cannot handle pain meds without going berserk, so you cant have it either. So you will writhe in pain (and you will wish you had a little .380 to eat!). They will give you some counseling. FUCK THAT! They are mandating low income housing in Westchester. Means what? Your $500K house is now worth $125K, and it aint coming back! And it goes on. The consequences are dire!

    Brother Theodore was an optimist.

  7. There were too many people running. Now it is down to Trump or Cruz with Kasich being spoiler. I see some signs of the party coming together around Cruz. I think his VP pick will be very important. Bottom line is the GOP can still win if Trump goes away.

  8. Don’t get me wrong. Donald Trump is a big idiot and a fraud. Nothing he says means anything. The first piece of shit that flies into his head comes right out of his mouth with no filter. But at the end of the day, it is what Tom King says. Any Republican! Even Trump, as much as I cannot fucking stand him, is better than Hillary (I hope).

  9. If the Democrats were united around Hillary I would say the GOP is finished, but she is not.

  10. Donald is so fucking stupid, the bastard says he would appoint a supreme court justice who would investigate Clinton’s e-mails. Seriously? Then most , if not all of the guys blogging on this cite are more qualified than that dope to be president.

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