
According to The Donald:

Donald Trump expects to win the Republican nomination for president, and he predicted that upstate New York would help him beat Hillary Clinton in November. And why not, according to Trump: He says he’s the most popular person in upstate New York — possibly ever …”


2 thoughts on “No

  1. no no, you just don’t understand. EVERYBODY loves him. Its unbelievable. Women, Hispanics, us, everybody. All the other ones should just pack it in and go home. hahahahaha…………………….

  2. When they asked Huma what Hillary’s 70-year old cunt tasted like, she said, “Depends”.
    Get ready to savor the flavor, America, because you’re going to be tasting it for the next 8 years, and you deserve it, you Obama loving A-holes. Enjoy!

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