Unions sitting election out

Governor Cuomo’s problems are not over even though the primary is:

“… PEF is joining several other unions in sitting out the general election, declining to pick a favorite between the Democratic ticket and the Republicans, Astorino and his running mate, Chemung County Sheriff Chris Moss.  “I don’t foresee that the Public Employees Federation will do an endorsement in the general election,” union President Susan Kent said … Four years ago, PEF broke ranks with its fellow public sector unions – CSEA and NYSUT – and backed Cuomo for governor.  This time around, Cuomo is running without the support of all three, and he doesn’t have the backing of the AFL-CIO, either.  Kent said the union’s focus will now move to contract negotiation preparation, noting that PEF has to return to the bargaining table next year – a year ahead of its fellow public sector unions …”

Unions are the backbone of the Democrat Party.  If they aren’t planning on showing up, who exactly is going to vote for Cuomo?