Astorino billboard

The Yates County GOP Committee put up this billboard:

7 thoughts on “Astorino billboard

  1. Excellent ! Cuomo must Go ! ( preferably straight to Hell! ) I`m sick and tired of Northern New York being pushed around by corrupt Noo Yawwk Ciddy Democrats!

  2. We need to take back our State from the present administration, who only concern has been advancing it’s own addenda at the expense of the majority of New York Taxpayers. The burden has been placed directly on us to support all of the vote getting social giveaway programs. Under the guise of standing behind the middle class cuomo has continued to stab us in the back and then lie to our face that our concerns are his. His only concern is reelection and the complete control of New York . Mr. Astorino is a refreshing voice in the current sea of lies. He stands for and will defend and honor our Constitution and all of its Amendments. He is a staunch defender of our Second Ammendment Rights and will repeal the safe act, a clear violation of the Constitution. So get out and vote and urge all of your family and friends to do so, let us take back our state by our right to vote.

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