Saturday’s Newsbits:
- Trump and Harris’ policy plans and views on gun control for the 2024 election
- The N.R.A. Again Cuts Back on Top Grades for Congressional Candidates
- Giffords’ New York Hypocrisy Shows Their Disdain for Voters
- US Supreme Court orders new look at Pennsylvania youth gun restrictions
- Federal appeals court upholds N.Y. gun laws regarding bans in ‘sensitive areas’
- State leaders, lawmakers react to Gov. Hochul’s latest gun violence legislation
- N.Y. Governor Signs MCC Bill into Law ‘For Us to Monitor Gun and Ammunition Sales’
- Governor Signs Bill to Track Sportsmen’s Credit Card Purchases
I finally remembered that song that reminds me of Tim Walz. Frankly, I think that they wrote it about him. They seem to be his kind of people: